Kyle Mischelle

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Psalm 19:14 

Come as You are, but Don’t Stay That Way

Come as You are, but Don’t Stay That Way

The point is this: God’s provision can be in the form of giving or receiving, something large and significant or something ridiculously unremarkable to the human mind. Sometimes the part we play is small and goes entirely unnoticed and unmentioned by people but is neither accidental nor overlooked by our God. We show up in this life flawed and broken and beautiful and in His image. He uses all of it to shape us more closely into who He is and who He created us to become — if we are willing to be changed.

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Through a Looking Glass

Through a Looking Glass

As a former skeptic, critic, and persecutor of Christians, who stood on the outside, looked through a dirty lens and saw only weakness, foolishness, and fault, I promise you this: Jesus can be trusted. Hope is always in. The peace and joy I feel now that come only through relationship with the One who created me are very real and somewhat staggering. I do not tell you these things because I care what you think of me for choosing to love Jesus; I tell you because I want you, too, to experience them

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