Kyle Mischelle

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Psalm 19:14 



In March of 2023, I walked into my pastor’s office, sat down, and confessed: “I have absolutely no idea what God wants me to do, but I know I want to do it. No matter what it is.” I had reached the end of myself; I was desperate.

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Servants and Stewards

Servants and Stewards

It is an enormous honor and privilege to become a servant of Yeshua, and yet it is also a weighty responsibility to carry His message well. It is the Spirit of God who speaks wisdom into us — not our own intellect — but it is also necessary for us to mature in our own experience of God in order to hear His Spirit and share it with others.

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Perfect Tension

Perfect Tension

This is the perfect tension. There is Truth and it is simple, but our world is chaos and our minds are limited and our hearts are full of fear. All we need to know is right there, waiting for our tender hearts and minds to be ready. What a marvelous joy it must be for Him when His children allow themselves to be stretched and tuned just right so that their lives produce beautiful worship.

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