Healthy Rhythms

Healthy Rhythms

I learned to play the piano as a kid. My piano teacher was a kind and gentle woman of extraordinary patience, because while I played for nearly 7 years, I don’t think I ever excelled at it. Music was important in my home though, oddly enough: My dad played both...
Then and Now

Then and Now

In 2019, when Stan was first diagnosed with ALS and given 2-4 years to live and this photo was taken, we were devastated. Neither of us handled the transition particularly well, being new followers of Yeshua struggling to die to our old selves while also trying to...
Who do You Say I Am?

Who do You Say I Am?

There are four Scripture portions that have been tugging at my heart for some time, because I truly believe that what we call people (and things) matters. Words matter. God’s words matter. Yeshua literally means “salvation” in Hebrew. The name, as is common in Hebrew,...
A Little Give and Take

A Little Give and Take

Language is enigmatic. But then, so are the lives it attempts to express and the people who use it to do so. Giving and taking are direct opposites. So, logically speaking, a caregiver gives care and a caretaker . . . takes care away? Sort of. The critical difference...
Why Worship?

Why Worship?

The question came from my youngest son, Tanner, one blustery but sunny spring day as we were out on the golf course shortly after I became a Christian. “If God is so mighty,” he wondered, “why does he need mere humans to worship him? Is it an ego...